Title: We Kissed Like We Invented It Fandom: Super Junior RPF Pairing: Siwon/Kyuhyun Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Touching and kissing Word Count: 514 Summary: A moment between the 7jib promotions.
Title: The Hand that Holds Mine Fandom: DBSK RPF Pairing: Yunho/Changmin Rating: G Warnings: Allusion to The Great Break. Word Count: 219 Summary: Shim Changmin was not made for Jung Yunho.
Title: Crossing the Bridge Fandom: Super Junior RPF Pairing: Siwon/Kyuhyun Rating: G Warnings: None Word Count: 309 Summary: On a bridge, two men meet.
Title: For the Love of the King Fandom: Super Junior RPF Pairing: Siwon/Kyuhyun Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Nakedness, lovemaking, but nothing specific Word Count: 803 Summary: AU 17th century France. A king and his subject.
Title: Her Eyes Fandom: Super Junior RPF Pairing: Siwon/Kyuhyun Rating: PG Warnings: Does unrequited love count? Word Count: 676 Summary: Professor Cho Kyuhyun, from the eye of a student.
Title: Symphony Fandom: Super Junior RPF Pairing: Siwon/Kyuhyun Rating: PG Warnings: None. Just general vagueness >>; Word Count: 619 Summary: These are the kisses that stay throughout your life.
Title: The Roads are Wrapped around Your Waist Fandom: Super Junior RPF Characters/Pairing: SJ-KRY with some YeWook leanings Rating: PG Warning(s): fluff with a dash of angst idek Word Count: 855 Summary: Jongwoon is going away.
Title: Through the Lens Fandom: Super Junior RPF Pairing: Siwon/Kyuhyun Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Nudity. Gratuitous Kyuhyun-worship no I'm not sorry :p Word Count: 400 Summary: Siwon. A camera. Kyuhyun.